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NJMEP supports NJ manufacturers and created the NJDMCC to support veterans & their families. We provide career training and job placement services at no-cost to veterans!
Our Mission is to save military lives by linking service members, veterans, and their families with therapists via telehealth and we cover up to 24 sessions.
Our holistic approach aims to connect you all military and their families to resources including:
Access to Earned Benefits
Legal Aid
The MIBH provides specialty care for military Veterans and retired athletes struggling with mild to moderate traumatic brain injuries (including concussion) and changes in psychological health.
NJ 211 Partnership is the statewide help and referral call center. Call 2-1-1 and be connected with health & human service resources that can help.
The New Jersey Reentry Corporation (NJRC) is a non-profit agency with a social mission to remove all barriers to employment for citizens returning from jail or prison.
Live to Serve is an non-profit organization inspired to impact and care for the needs of low income individuals, single mothers, children, veterans, and seniors
Raise PTSD/suicide awareness, never leave a fallen comrade, peer-to-peer support. We vow To assist Veterans In crisis handling every situation with the proper care needed.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America is the leading Post-9/11 veteran empowerment organization (VEO) with the most diverse and rapidly growing membership in America.
VA Loan Captain is a diversified housing, benefits, education, and services platform assisting current and former servicemembers to receive the information, value, and services that they deserve.