Moves NJ

About Moves NJ
Our Services
Job/Career Training
We provide opportunities to improve your income earnings by providing career training opportunities. We have a host of online-based certification trainings. If you do not have access to a computer or Internet, you can schedule time to use our drop-in center to complete your online training.
Employment Placement
It is our goal to place all consumers into high-needs, high-pay employment situations. Our team of professional Case Managers will work with you to ensure you secure career-based employment that is aligned with your skill-set, and pay scale.
Individual and Family Housing
We diligently work with our consumers in need of emergency or permanent housing for them and their families, by linking them to programs and providers who focus Veteran housing.
VA Benefits Support
We diligently work with our consumers to ensure they are receiving all the VA benefits to which they are entitled by linking them to the VA, and helping them navigate the process.
Mental Health Services
Under our Clinical Services Division, we offer individual and group counseling sessions to our veterans and their family members. These services can be delivered in person or virtually.
Recovery Services
Many of our Veterans and/or their immediate family members struggle with PTSD, and/or MST. Many turn to illegal, as well as legal substances for comfort, and to hide their pain. Unfortunately, too many times, they develop addictions and need support to disengage from this destructive behavior.
Under our Clinical Division, we offer intensive outpatient services (IOP) for those suffering with, and challenged by addiction.
Legal Services
Through funding from DOL/VETS, we offer our clients limited legal services including expungements, Driver’s License restoration, child support modification, traffic tickets, etc. Speak with your Case Manager if you need legal assistance.
Family Services
Under our family services initiative, we provide mental health and recovery services, as well as access to our food and clothing pantries.
If you or your family are in need of food and/or clothing, please make an appointment with your Case Manager or Counselor to visit one or both of our onsite pantries. You can also click here to schedule an appointment now.
Transportation Services
To assist our clients, MOVES provides limited transportation to our clients to visit our drop-in center to use our computers for job searching and training; attend scheduled interviews, and transportation to work during your first two weeks of new employment.
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