Vet Tix

About Vet Tix
Give Something to Those Who Gave.
Vet Tix * provides tickets to events which reduce stress, strengthen family bonds, build life-long memories and encourage service members and veterans to stay engaged with local communities and American life. We support our troops by honoring their service and providing positive family and life experiences, during and after their years of service to our country.
Vet Tix provides tickets to all branches of currently-serving Military and Veterans, including immediate family of troops KIA.
Vet Tix secures tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, educational and family activities across the nation. VetTixers sign up online. We verify their service. VetTixers request tickets to events that interest them, then pay a small delivery fee to receive their free tickets.
Patriotism Honor and support to the men and women who have served our country. This unquestioned loyalty to our Military, Veterans and their families provides the foundation for what VTF is as an organization.
Support and Recognition A yellow ribbon on your car shows support, but sending a veteran to a game with their family is a real gift of gratitude.
Quality of Life Our service members fought and sacrificed for our life and liberty, we would like to give to their pursuit of happiness.
Family We include family. Service Members rely on the support of their families. We strengthen family bonds by encouraging shared experiences that create lasting memories.
Our military shoulders unique burdens of stress and sacrifice. 16.6 million Veterans have served during wartime. 3.6 Million Veterans have service-related disabilities.
2.5 million Service Members have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Almost 1 million have served multiple deployments. Since 2002 over 52,000 Americans have been wounded, over 1,500 are now amputees and over 6,800 have been killed in action. We want to honor and support those that served and sacrificed so much.
Wounds of war, both mental and physical, can stay with our veterans the rest of their lives. Giving to our veterans and supporting the transitions back into their families and communities, is a gift of gratitude in which we all can take part.
Veteran Tickets Foundation’s Tickets for Troops Program is dedicated to giving back to those who gave us so much. We team up with major sports teams, leagues, promoters, organizations, venues and every day event ticket holders to provide free tickets to currently serving and veterans of all branches of the US military.
The Veteran Tickets Foundation is proud to announce that to date 10,434,601 event tickets have been given out in all 50 States and Washington, DC to our Military, Veterans and their families. Here is the breakdown of our event ticket distribution.
Deployed, wounded and families of those killed in action are shouldering the hardest burdens of military service. Their duty has impacted their lives in ways the rest of America can only imagine.
Vet Tix would like to ease their burden of stress by giving a Hero a once in a lifetime experience at an event. Hero’s Wish events create a wonderful family experiences help heal their spirit, reduce stress and show support for their service to our country. For those who have suffered, we want to welcome them back and bring enjoyment back into their lives.
The Hero’s Wish program can be used by Active Duty Military Personnel (six months prior to, while on leave from or six months after their deployments), severely wounded warriors and the families of men and woman killed in action (KIA).
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