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NJ State Police Troopers NCO Association

NJ State Police Troopers NCO Association
NJ State Police Troopers NCO Association
213 Crosswicks Road
Bordentown, , NJ 08505 Get Directions

About NJ State Police Troopers NCO Association

About the STNCOA

The State Troopers Non-Commissioned Officers Association [STNCOA] was originally organized in 1973, and incorporated in 1976. In 1992, the STNCOA purchased a union office in Bordentown, New Jersey. The Executive Board of the STNCOA consists of the following elected officials: President, Vice President of Resolutions, Vice President of Development, Vice President of Legislation, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, Secretary of Resolutions. All elected officers of the executive board serve a two-year term. Elections for these positions are conducted in each odd-numbered year. All meetings of the Association members and Executive Board are governed by parliamentary rules contained in an edition of rules of order which are consistent with the STNCOA by laws and Robert’s Rules of order. The Executive Board of the STNCOA represents over 1000 non-commissioned officers holding the ranks of Sergeant, Detective Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, and Detective Sergeant First Class.

Mission Statement

According to the by laws, the purpose of the STNCOA is to provide for the protection, general welfare and advancement of its members in good standing; to promote mutual aid between and among its members; and to promote, improve and advance through all lawful and democratic means the welfare, interests and conditions of employment to non-commissioned officers of the New Jersey State Police.

The New Jersey State Troopers Non Commissioned Officers Association Foundation


The New Jersey State Troopers Non Commissioned Officers Association Foundation, Inc., has been established to enhance the relationship between public and private entities and the New Jersey State Police Non Commissioned Officers Association

The mission of the New Jersey State Troopers Non Commissioned Officers Association Foundation, Inc., is to financially support the values and programs of the New Jersey State Troopers Non Commissioned Officers Association, by promoting selected gifts, grants, and financial endowments, from individuals, corporations, and other institutions interested in fostering a partnership between the general public and the NCO Association focused on humanitarian needs and law enforcement concerns


The State Troopers NCO Association Foundation was formed in the Fall of 2003 with the purpose of providing financial and other material assistance to the survivors or family members of State Troopers who die or are injured; to aid and assist State Troopers and/or families who are in need or Troopers who have become disabled; to create a scholarship fund to aid, encourage, stimulate, foster and promote educational activities in the field of criminal justice, political sciences and/or law through grants; scholarships and financial assistance to State Troopers and their children; to collect and otherwise raise money for said purposes; to raise funds and donations from interested individuals, charitable and educational organizations, corporations, agencies or other interested institutions; to accept, hold, invest, reinvest and administer any gifts, grants, bequests, devises, benefits of trusts (but not to act as trustee of any trust) and property of any sort, without limitation as to amount or value, and to use, disburse or donate the income or principal thereof, exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes of the fund and generally to endeavor aid and assist State Troopers and their families by all available means and methods. Also, the Foundation was formed for the purpose of having other worthy organizations and individuals benefit from charitable, financial and humanitarian assistance, regardless of race, religion or gender.

The Foundation is further organized to assist in improving the community through encouraging the community, media, and State Troopers to work together to reduce crime in the community.

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