Backpacks For Life

Hours of Operation
Monday - Sunday
8 AM to 8 PM
About Backpacks For Life
Serving Our Veterans...One Backpack At A Time
Backpacks For Life’s mission is to provide a unique and personalized support system for homeless and at-risk veterans who are struggling to reintegrate back into civilian life. We want veterans of all eras to be able to seamlessly and confidently reintegrate and thrive in civilian life; equipped with the right tools and solutions to do so. Through our two main programs, we are able to effectively support and empower our veterans, reigniting the flame inside of them.
Backpack Distribution
For veterans who have nothing, a backpack is their most crucial asset. It is their mobile home and for some, their only belongings are inside. Our backpack distribution program is More Than A Backpack. Our backpacks are a symbol of hope and reassurance that the veterans we work with are not alone on their path, and will always have a support system there for them when they need a helping hand. Backpack distribution is our gateway to reaching a veteran, building trust, and beginning the process of helping to elevate them off of the streets, out of poverty, and on a path towards self-sufficiency. Each backpack is filled with toiletries, supplies, and resources pertaining to supportive services. Our goal is to enhance the general well-being of our homeless veterans while providing tools to succeed.
If you are in need of a backpack, please email us with your DD214 to begin the verification process.
Coaching & Mentorship
Navigating through resources and programs can be challenging for our veterans and their families. We work one-on-one with our veterans to provide them an action plan that is tailored to their needs. Whether in need of resume assistance, financial guidance or just someone to speak to; our mentorship program allows us to assist veterans in overcoming current hardships and obstacles. We aim to bridge the gap between veterans and the resources available to them so that they are able to maintain stability. We take time to focus on making the veteran feel human, appreciated and heard. . Through our effective intake process, we are able to understand the veteran’s needs, although they may not be able to see it and effectively connect them with the right groups and programs to fulfill those needs.
- Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency 2019
- Academy of United States Veterans, Vetty Award - Homelessness Prevention, 2018
- Great Nonprofits - Top Rated 2019
Tax ID
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